André Bettencourt, founder of the Association des Amis du Parc et du Château d’Ételan

Fanny Azzuro (pianist) and Simone Arese (Président of the association) – Photo: Yves Richard
The association was created on December 8th 1975 by Mr. André Bettencourt, Minister under Georges Pompidou, and mayor of Saint Maurice d’Ételan.
The action of the Association is carried out in the following areas:
The Association has been recognized as being of public utility. It is authorized to receive donations and legacies by decision of January 10, 1976 of the sub-prefect of Le Havre. The Association of the Friends of the Park and the Château d’Ételan is an organization of general interest.
Membership of the Association of Friends of the Park and Château d’Ételan entitles you to free admission to the Château and discounts at events.
Fill out the registration form to let us know your intention to become an adherent member of the Association and make a donation.
We will acknowledge receipt of your form by email and we will inform you of the terms of payment by cheque and bank transfer.
Nous vous enverrons un reçu par courrier après reception de votre paiement.